Cloud Disaster Recovery Services

Cloud disaster recovery services help organizations minimize business impact and resume operations quickly. DRaaS eliminates the need to back-up data to physical disk or tape, and provides cost benefits and geo-redundancy.

Choosing a DRaaS solution requires careful research. To assist, the editors of Solutions Review have created this Buyer’s Guide for a comparison of vendors and their solutions.


Quorum is an online legislative strategy platform that provides unique quantitative insights and 21st century productivity tools. Using comprehensive congressional data and interactive visualizations, the software makes it easier to understand and navigate legislation. It also enables users to highlight differences between bills, save notes on Members, and conduct advanced full text searches.

A quorum is the minimum number of members required to conduct business in a governing body. It can be set by statute, the organization’s bylaws, or as a ratio of members present at a meeting. It is important to ensure that the quorum is enough to represent the members’ interests and make decisions.

During a board meeting, the chairman should be sure to count the attendance to determine if there is a quorum. If a quorum is not met, the chairman can call the attention of the members to this fact and adjourn the meeting. He or she can then reconvene the meeting after giving fresh notice.

Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services is a cloud computing platform that offers a wide range of services to help businesses manage and scale their infrastructure. The platform allows you to use your existing hardware and software to create a cloud-based system that is scalable and easy to manage. It also allows you to deploy and access new applications quickly.

Amazon also provides a disaster recovery solution that ensures your data will be safe in case of natural or power outages. Its dozens of global data centers are monitored continuously and maintained rigorously to prevent any permanent damage from occurring. These data centers are diversified so that the loss of one region will not cause widespread loss across the entire globe.

Another great feature of AWS is its compatibility with programming languages and architectures. By integrating its solutions with existing IT infrastructure, Amazon can help your business save time and resources by eliminating the need for your IT team to learn new skills.

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform that offers a range of tools to help you solve technical challenges and automate processes. It includes infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS). The service also has built-in disaster recovery features to ensure that your business applications are always available. Microsoft has a large number of data centers, which are located all over the world, so that your applications and data can be closer to you.

It is a highly secure service that protects your information with local and cloud snapshot-based backups and supports different RTOs and RPOs. The solution also encrypts your stored data and integrates with your business continuity and disaster recovery plan.

Azure is a popular choice for businesses looking to take advantage of the benefits of a cloud-based service. Its flexibility allows users to offload some of their computing, while retaining some of it on-premises, known as hybrid cloud. Its integration and security services are also beneficial for companies that need to comply with industry regulations and policies.


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