Framing Projects Eugene Oregon

A beautiful timber frame home combines the best of modern technology with traditional craftsmanship. With the right wood preparation and construction techniques, these houses can last 100 years or more. In addition to being energy efficient, these homes are environmentally friendly. They also offer a high level of customization and design flexibility.

The new school district policy requires bidders to commit to a community benefits agreement, a type of project labor contract that sets employment standards for minority and women workers. The district plans to apply the policy to a $30 million project demolishing and reconstructing Camas Ridge Elementary this summer. School district board member Gordon Lafer says the CBA aims to improve access to higher-wage construction jobs, encourage high school students to pursue careers in construction and support the district’s high school construction program.

A coalition of unions, developers and local government leaders is pushing for the city to raise its minimum green building standards from the current silver standard to gold. It’s a long-shot, but the group hopes to demonstrate that the extra upfront costs can be recovered by reduced energy use over time. The city’s lagging behind in the policy arena, compared to Seattle and Portland, which have already moved up to gold.

A new law allows Eugene to build more middle housing, such as duplexes and fourplexes, in every neighborhood. The city is planning to use a portion of its voter-approved street bond measure for these projects, which are expected to be completed by 2023. framing projects Eugene Oregon


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