Cloud Gavel – The Electronic Warrant Solution For Law Enforcement

Developed by Fusionstak LLC and currently a leading Electronic Warrant Solutions in the United States, cloud gavel is a seamless workflow system that allows law enforcement officers to quickly create warrants while in their squad car and electronically transmit them for digital review and approval. This solution helps in reducing paperwork, enables officer work hours to be spent on the street rather than behind a desk and increases the likelihood of apprehending criminals. Moreover, it ensures that proper procedures are followed during the application and approval of warrants.

Using the latest technology, officers can use a mobile device to log onto a web application and create a warrant. The eWarrant is then electronically transmitted to the judge or DA for digital review and approved within minutes. Upon receiving the eWarrant, judges and DAs can immediately sign or reject it from their iPhone or iPad application. The eWarrant also has audit trails and other search features to aid in the review process.

The centralized database, Arrest Warrant Xchange is another feature that improves information sharing and collaboration among police departments. All arrest warrants and bench warrants generated in the cloud gavel system are automatically added to this database, thus enabling all departments in a region to have access to up-to-date information on outstanding warrants.

CloudGavel is also partnering with National Command and Staff College to provide free specialized training courses for law enforcement officials. This partnership will help in accelerating the pace of leadership training for law enforcement personnel across the nation and will help them respond quicker to crime in their communities. cloud gavel


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